Friday 15 February 2013

LifeScouts : Sharing Adventure, Every Day

I was on YouTube the other day watching the videos of some of my favorite youtuber's when I came upon a video by Alex Day ( How many of you have seen his  'Alex Reads Twilight' videos? Hilarious!), and there I saw again his video about LifeScouts.

How many of you YouTuber's or tumblr people have heard of the initiative Life Scouts ?? If you have heard of it, how awesome is that idea eh? And if you haven't here's where I tell you.

Lifescouts is a badge-collecting community of people who share real-world experiences online. Reblog the badges you have and share your stories with your followers, look for new badges to prompt new stories and things to do with friends, and buy the physical badges to collect from our badge store!

When I first heard about LifeScouts on Alex's youtube channel back in January, I thought "hey that's a great idea.."  and just left it at that.
When I came upon the video AGAIN I thought, "Hey now, it's time to get involved!". So here I am doing just that!!

Ever visited a haunted house, gone bungee-jumping, or learnt CPR ? They've got badges for it!

Here is an Introduction video to LifeScouts!

Here is another video if you may wish to see hyper-excited Alex Day sharing his idea with the world.

Check out the LifeScouts Tumblr to see the notes of a gazillion other people :

So yes, I will be posting about any badges that I claim every other week or so. So keep a lookout!

Have any experiences you'd like to share? Or are you are part of the LifeScouts movement? Leave me a comment or a link to your tumblr if you do!

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